Jan 14, 2019
Gus Sorola, co-founder of Austin-based Rooster Teeth Productions, is also an actor, producer, podcaster, and semi-reluctant social media influencer. Gus and his Rooster Teeth colleagues launched the highly successful web series, Red vs Blue, in 2003 before YouTube even existed and started podcasting over a decade ago, so you could say he’s generally ahead of the curve. Tune in to episode 2 of This is Austin to learn what Gus was like in high school, why he dropped out of Rice University to move to Austin, and what’s next for Rooster Teeth and their 45 million subscribers.
Recent Movie: The Favourite
Video Game: Red Dead Redemption 2
Thing to do in Austin: Mayfield Park
Guest, Gus Sorola
Twitter: @sorola
Instagram: @gsorola
Web: https://roosterteeth.com/
Podcast: https://roosterteeth.com/series/rt-podcast
Documentary: Common Ground
Host, Adrienne Huebner
Instagram: @thisisaustinpodcast
Twitter: @adrienne
Facebook: @thisisaustinpodcast
Email: thisisaustinpodcast@gmail.com
Web: www.thisisaustinpodcast.com
Editor, Adrian De La Garza
Facebook: @adlgmarketing
Twitter: @adlgmarketing
Web: https://adlgmarketing.com/
Web: https://swellstheband.com/
Twitter: @swellstheband
Instagram: @swellstheband
Spotify: SWELLS